Awarding Gala – Romanian Effie Awards 2015

The 2015 Romanian EFFIE Awarding Gala will take place on the 2nd of June at the Romanian Athenaeum, starting 7:30 p.m..

The host of the ceremony is Andi Moisescu.

Attending the Gala:

  • Tickets for the Awarding Gala can be purchased from The Institute via e-mail to teodora.calin[at]
  • The cost for one ticket is 300 lei + VAT for IAA and UAPR members and 400 lei + VAT for non-members.

The Romanian EFFIE Awards gathered 24 agencies and three companies, 99 campaigns, for 70 brands.

The competition reunites 27 categories and will be judged by a panel of experienced judges, lead by Neal Davies – President & CEO Effie Worldwide.

Neal Davies will also host a conference on 2nd of June, entitled: „The Confidence To Embrace Change: Key Insights and Learning From The Effies”, starting 10 a.m., at IAA Romania. Attendance is free, but needs to be confirmed via an email sent to

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