The 2016 Romanian EFFIE Awarding Gala will take place on the 22nd of September at the National Museum of Art of Romania, Auditorium Hall, starting 7:30 p.m.
The host of the ceremony is Andreea Esca.
Attending the Gala:
Tickets for the Awarding Gala can be purchased from The Institute via e-mail to teodora.calin[at]
The cost for one ticket is 200 lei + VAT.
49 finalists out of 88 works are waiting for the second round of judging, when all the awards will be decided. Paweł Tyszkiewicz, Chairman of Polish Effie Committee & CEO Polish Marketing Communications Association SAR is the president of the 2016 Effie Jury.
Sergiu Neguț, Associate Dean of Entrepreneurial Growth with Maastricht School of Management Romania will host another Effie Talk – Innovation for the creative type.
About the talk: Funny thing, traditional business strives
to learn from the creative types. In small and large corporations alike, suit&tie regular business people are asking themselves more and more often how a marketing agency would approach their (otherwise boring) project at hand. Since last year, Design Thinking has grown big and even got its own dedicated issue of Harvard Business Review. Finally the world recognizes creativity! Hurray! A tiny question remains, though: if we are so smart, creative, envied and loved, how come we don’t make more money? Like the IT, for instance? Anything wrong? Can we fix it?