A house for everyone
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OTP Bank - A House for Everyone - Mash
Green lights for your plans
Mortgage loan
Small interest rate to sustain your big plans!
• 4,99% fixed interest rate in the first 2 years, for loans in Swiss francs
• loaning period maximum 30 years
• can also be used for refinancing
OTP Bank - A House for Everyone - Newspaper - prolonged campaign
Green lights for your plans
Mortgage loan
Small interest rate to sustain your big plans!
The mortgage loan from OTP Bank has, between 2nd of April and 30th of June, a surprisingly small interest rate, of only 4,99%*!With this loan you can buy a house that you can pay for in maximum 30 years or you can refinance your old mortgage loan, paying a smaller monthly rate.
*interest rate available for the first 2 years, for credits in Swiss francs
Yellow stripe:
The offer is being prolonged! At your request, OTP Bank promotion will last two times longer, until 31st of August!
OTP Bank - A House for Everyone - Newspaper
Green lights for your plans
Mortgage loan
Small interest rate to sustain your big plans!
The mortgage loan from OTP Bank has, between 2nd of April and 30th of June, a surprisingly small interest rate, of only 4,99%*!With this loan you can buy a house that you can pay for in maximum 30 years or you can refinance your old mortgage loan, paying a smaller monthly rate.
*interest rate available for the first 2 years, for credits in Swiss francs