Wash&Go - Best from traditions


Campaign: Best from traditions
Brand: Wash&Go
Subscribed by Leo Burnett & Target


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Consumer magazine - Love Spell exterior

Consumer magazine - Love Spell interior


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Witchery radio 30sec

(older feminine voice that whispers mysteriously) low background: (old folkloric balcanic music)
When your man doesn’t look toward you as amorous as in the beginning, mind what I’ll tell you!
Want your husband deep in love 
To charm him is not a joke! 
Early morning when he rises, 
Fish oil he should drink three sizes 
When he bursts out on the doors 
Fill the doorknob with molasses 
Choose three grains of pepper 
Spread them in four glasses of beer 
Reach with salt the outer gate 
So you share a loving fate… 
The female voice & music fade out and MVO follows: 
In the meantime, we found a simpler solution to keep your man in love. 
(brand music) 
Take only what’s well worth from traditions. 
Enjoy a hair full of volume with Wash & Go Reviva with nettle extract. 
It’s well worth to be beautiful.

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