Ursus - Epic Birthday
Campaign: Epic Birthday
Brand: URSUS
Client: Ursus Breweries
Lead Agencies: LEO BURNETT & Kubis
Contributing Agencies: Media Investment | MSL The Practice
Public Case Summary:
How can Ursus stay true to its epic fun brand promise in the midst of a global pandemic? Starting a powerful insight: birthdays cannot be cancelled nor rescheduled, not even by Covid.
Ursus seized the moment and made sure all the Romanians who had to spend their birthdays in isolation, would be surprised with birthday wishes aired LIVE on TV. With over 14 million people reached and 2000 videos generated, the initiative brought a double increase in MS compared to the increased registered by the entire premium segment.
Team: Victor Stroe // Head of Planning & Associate Director LEO BURNETT, Oana Năstase // Strategic Planner LEO BURNETT, Corina Bratu // Planning Director LEO BURNETT, Adriana Pascan // Executive Creative Director LEO BURNETT, Nadejda Ghilca // Art Director LEO BURNETT, Teodor Chiripuci // Copywriter LEO BURNETT, Anca Calugaritoiu // Senior Brand Manager Ursus Breweries, Cristina Cring // Brand Manager Ursus Breweries, Victor Teioşanu // Premium Brands Director Ursus Breweries, Cristina Schițco // Client Service Director Kubis, Carina Toma // Group Creative Director Kubis, Paul Crăciunescu // Copywriter Kubis, Laura Fluture // Art Director Kubis, Florina Simon // Account Manager Kubis, Mădălina Ioana // Social Media Manager Kubis, Alina Jijau // Communication Director MSL The Practice, Zoltan Barti // Digital Media Manager Media Investment, Virginia Nutuloiu // Media Director Media Investment, Dora Parfene // Media Manager Media Investment, Corina Zamfir // Digital Media Manager Media Investment