RCS-RDS - Escape from Bastilieva

Campaign: Escape from Bastilieva
Client: RCS-RDS
Brand: Digi Mobil
Submitted by: Papaya Advertising


In 2015 the number of the mobile internet data users was 18.7 Mil, out of which 78% were broadband connections. The need for offering large quantities of mobile data was obvious – but the increased “need for speed” customers had was something that could determine them to choose one operator or another.
Remain the leader in portability
Reach 1,000,000 portability clients by the end of 2016


We built on a well-known successful copy platform (Belgravistan) showing tongue-in-cheek “nouveau riches” downplaying the Digi Mobil offer for its low price. We continued with the Belgravistan series, now with a new objective: Escape from Bastilieva, dramatizing the consumers’ quest for the freedom of using an unbelievable amount of mobile data.


2016 was Digi Mobil's third year of operations on the Romanian wireless market. During this span, the share of voice of the brand has steadily risen from 1.6% in 2014, to 2.35% in 2015 topping 3.9 % in 2016 (the latter figure owing to diminished competitive spend during that year). That expenditure, albeit low compared to the established players - Orange, Vodafone and Telekom -, generated brisk business for the brand. Digi Mobile captured 49.5% of all customers who switched operators. The rest of the field divided the balance.




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