George - George Street Art Gallery upgrades the city

Public Case Summary

Campaign: George Street Art Gallery upgrades the city
Brand: George
Client: BCR
Lead Agency: Mainstage The Agency
Contributing Agencies: One Night Gallery | Wavemaker România | Cohn & Jansen WT

Public Case Summary:
By creating a brand experience and an upgrade to their surroundings for a very specific target in Bucharest, in less than a year we surpassed our main competitor (ING) in terms of aided awareness. Moreover, in less than 4 months we brought 623% more George clients versus the previous period.

Team: Ionut Stanomir, Director Executiv Marketing si Comunicare - BCR // Nadejda Ghilca, Senior Art Director - Mainstage The Agency // Laura Andrei, Head of Marketing - BCR // Raul Gheba, Senior Copywriter - Mainstage The Agency // Ana Ghiurca, Head of Online Marketing - BCR // Alexandru Cristea, Account Director - Mainstage The Agency // Raluca Gheorghe, Account Director - Mainstage The Agency // Adrian Saveanu, George Brand Manager - BCR // Laura Plugaru, Social Media Specialist - BCR // Madalin Nitis, General Manager - Mainstage The Agency // Silviu Istrate, Head of Strategy - Mainstage The Agency // Sebastian Olar, Creative Director - Mainstage The Agency // Arpad Rezi, Creative Director - Mainstage The Agency // Eugen Suman, Executive Creative Director - Mainstage The Agency.

Creative Reel

Images of Creative Work

Launch concert

Augmented stage at the concert

Entrance to the gallery

Pillar example

Pillar example

Pillar with message

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