ING Bank - Hats


Campaign: Hats
Brand: ING Bank
Client: ING Bank România
Submitted by: Headvertising


Last year, BNR decided to raise interest, in order to prevent overheating the economy. As the ROBOR index rose sharply, all of a sudden, it was way more expensive for people to get a personal needs loan - so it was very difficult to meet our sales objective: 840 million RON in loans disbursed in the last 4 months of 2017.

Knowing that we were supposed to run the campaign in a very different financial context we assumed we’d have a better chance to sell if we address people really pressed to solve some stringent issue, instead of “consuming hedonists”.

In a dramatic and totally unforeseen context (OUG 79, “the fiscal revolution” popping up mid-campaign) ING Bank still managed to have an astounding 21% YOY growth on consumer loans (vs. the market’s 10% YOY growth) and was still able to have a 9,7% Market Share increase in consumer loans.




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