NN Health Insurance - Kisses
Campaign: Kisses
Client: NN Life Insurance România
Brand: NN Health Insurance
Submitted by: Headvertising
Contributing Agencies: Zenith Media// Skepsis // Webstyler
NN entered the health insurance business, facing not just its usual competitors but also private health companies. Though they are rather supposed to be partners than competitors, sometimes the interests clash.
NN’s health insurance was to be sold exclusively through NN’s salesforce and that required thorough training to assimilate the new product and accommodating a “learning curve” that will be reflected in sales.
After factoring in the people that already have some form of health insurance, the 15% purchase intention, a 7% Objective: 3500 people insured in the first year.
Historically, Romanians were not particularly strong on “displayed affection”, but everything changed once somebody got ill.
This is why a lot of people have incredibly fond memories of their illnesses, as the time when their family finally showed them plenty of love. It felt like they got well on that love, more than because of the medicine & treatment.
That led us to “health” = “family love” - and “purchasing a health insurance” is just one of the many “proofs of love” that you can offer to your beloved ones.
NN aimed for 3500 people insured in 2016. And got instead 9292 insured people.
Got 54% brand difference vs. 39% benchmark.
The NN Brand Difference for broad public got to 185% (+10%) and the NN Brand Difference for life insurance owners 197% (+28%).