Napolact - Napolact Bio, the taste of pure nature
Campaign: Napolact Bio, the taste of pure nature
Brand: Napolact
Client: Friesland Campina
Submitted by: Propaganda
Second Agency: V8
Third Agency: Front Line Marketing, GMP PR
Media Agency: Universal McCann
Background/objectives: Make Napolact Bio the indisputable leader in the bio dairy segment and a driver of sales for the brand overall.
Strategy: Build a strong image by educating people regarding the attributes of Napolact Bio products and generate sales by using tactical actions.
Results: Napolact Bio got the indisputable leadership in MS top bio players both in volume and value and succeeded to increase the bio dairies market overall, while becoming the most well-known bio brand and entering top 10 most consumed dairy brands (bio and non-bio).
Napolact Bio
Instore Radio
Instore-testing stand

Instore_ promo flyer

Napolact Bio Online
PR_articles on blogs

PR_visiting Napolact bio farms