P&G The Cleaning Experts from Carrefour


Campaign: P&G The Cleaning Experts from Carrefour
Client: Procter & Gamble România
Brand: P&G Multibrand
Entrant Agency:Geometry Global România
Second Agency: New View


We needed to make experiential and quality shoppers from Carrefour see the department with P&G detergents as the hub of cleaning expertise.

Our strategy was to disrupt the cliché shopper communication by building a never-been-done-before cleaning expertise center in the middle of each participating Carrefour store. Each center had a special hi-tech island with plasma screens and world-class innovation. Big Idea: THE CLEANING EXPERTS FROM CARREFOUR MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER

The campaign outperformed all its objectives, growing shares and reaching new record figures in terms of conversion and closure rates.

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