Ardealul - THE BATTLE OF FAINOŞAG – Ion vs Ionuţ

Public Case Summary

Campaign: THE BATTLE OF FAINOŞAG – Ion vs Ionuţ
Brand: Ardealul
Client: Orkla Foods
Lead Agency: McCann Worldgroup România
Contributing Agencies: Zenith România | Griffin Advertising | FRONT LINE MARKETING

Public Case Summary:
An unmovable historical leader + a strong private label + an audience that only goes for their favorite pate brand = the disaster recipe for being stuck in the same MS for 3 years in a row.
Ardealul shook the autopilot buying behavior of the category with a limited edition range decided by the public. Transforming indifferent spectators into active participants not only grew the base of our consumers, but it gained us the most consistent sales and brand KPIs increase inside the category.

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