Public Case Summary

Client: Hochland
Lead Agency: LEO BURNETT
Contributing Agencies: STARCOM | MSL The Practice

Public Case Summary:
Hochland faced serious threat from cheaper brands during COVID-19 pandemic. For consumers to choose the brand, we decided to demonstrate it’s an emotional anchor in stormy times, enabling the committed mothers to find ways of bringing joy to their families, although they felt overwhelmed by the unknown. With dedicated executions as responses to new changes in context, we showed Hochland’s versatility and closeness to people, generating a 16% increase in sales value and a 6pp increase in consideration among users of competitor brands.

Team: Victor Stroe // Head of Planning & Associate Director LEO BURNETT, Ioana Proca // Senior Strategic Planner LEO BURNETT, Dinu Gojan // Group Creative Director LEO BURNETT, George Popa // Art Director LEO BURNETT, Elena Negrescu // Copywriter LEO BURNETT, Sorin Deleanu // Senior Producer LEO BURNETT, Sandra Radu // Brand Communication Manager LEO BURNETT, Eliza Toma // Brand Communication Manager LEO BURNETT, Maria Sarivan // Senior Strategic Planner LEO BURNETT, Andreea Pandelea // Head of Lifestyle MSL The Practice, Alexandra Nedelcu // Communication Manager MSL The Practice, Corneliu Tiron // Strategy and Solutions Lead STARCOM, Dinu Maftei // Media Client Manager STARCOM, Mihai Bonca // Marketing Strategy Consultant Brand Architects

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