Unisol - Unisolești

Public Case Summary

Campaign: Unisolești
Brand: Unisol
Client: Bunge
Lead Agency: Most Wanted Ideas
Contributing Agencies: Circles Colab | Optimum Media Direction

Public Case Summary:
Unisol saw its Consideration and Loyalty decrease. The problem was that the brand's differentiator „ first press oil" did not click with consumers. To make it exciting again, we created an imaginary place, Unisolești, where the special skill of everybody is to do things right from the first try. This was where Unisol came from, the cooking oil obtained from the first pressing of sunflower seeds. The campaign reinforced the brand's association with the "first press" attribute, increased Consideration and Loyalty and delivered volume sales and Value MS.

Team: Liviu Isop, AV Producer - Most Wanted Ideas // Andreea Matei, Client Service Manager - Most Wanted Ideas // Iulia Dobromir, Brand Manager - Bunge // Radu Aciobotaritei, Brand Manager - Bunge // Anca Boia, Media Executive - Optimum Media Direction.

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