Visa - Visa - ANYTHING
Client: Visa Europe
Brand: Visa
Entrant Agency:Publicis România
Background/objectives: How could Visa generate more card transactions in a cash-driven country, in the most media cluttered period of the year, when all brands want their share of the wallet?
Strategy: Christmas shopping thrill was coming from hunting down countless promotions, no matter big or small.
Initially this sounded like another bad news. People getting excited about all kinds of promotions during Christmas time could have been our kryptonite, but proved instead to be our solution as we realized it would have been pointless to make them choose us against the others. Instead of fighting all promotions, join them and build on top of them. Hijack the efforts of all other brands and let Visa benefit from it.
Results: Despite being outspent by MasterCard with 2:1 in November-December, Visa’s “ANYTHING” campaign generated significant increase of number of transactions and value spend being the most successful Visa promo in the last 3 years.