Vodafone - Vodafone HBO Go


Campaign: Vodafone HBO Go
Brand: Vodafone
Client: Vodafone România
Submitted by: McCann Worldgroup România
Media Agency: UM România


Campaign: Vodafone HBO Go
Brand: Vodafone
Client: Vodafone România
Submitted by: McCann Worldgroup România
Media Agency: UM România

Background/objectives: Romanians are not used to pay for online content. HboGo and the Vodafone Network enable them to watch content remotely, wherever they are. Objectives: Increase the number of HBO Go subscriptions, special devices sales and viewership of Game of Thrones.

Strategy: Vodafone revolutionizes entertainment with the HboGo app, no matter where you are, even on top of a mountain, like Ghita the Shepard.

• HBO Go subscriptions + 50%
• tablet sales + 63%
• 48% more views for Game of Thrones


Ghita Ciobanul and HBO GO movies on top of the mountain




Devices ooh

Ghita ooh

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