Tazovsky – The Vodka Lesson
Tazovsky – The Vodka Lesson Information Campaign: The Vodka LessonBrand: TazovskyClient: PPD RomâniaSubmitted by: Cohn & Jansen JWTContributing Agencies: FRANK GROUP, OMD ROMANIA(OPTIMUM MEDIA DIRECTION PLAN&BUY), PORTER NOVELLI PUBLIC RELATIONS, CREATIV PRO DESIGN Background/Objectives Strategy Results Background/objectives:This is the story of Tazovsky, a brand aiming to grow its distribution and sales and go from ‘just another vodka, struggling to survive’, to the challenger in the market by taking upon its shoulders the task to educate consumers about what a good vodka means through a new campaign. Strategy:THE VODKA LESSON, aiming to make Tazovsky the 1st brand in the market that educates Romanians about good vodka. Results:For the first time in a long time, Tazovsky grew its sales and exceeded its objectives instead of decreasing. Internet Advertising Other Bottle Lable Redesign back to winners