Rompetrol Go: Engage to Stay
Rompetrol Go: Engage to Stay Information Public Case Summary Team Campaign: Rompetrol Go: Engage to StayBrand: Rompetrol GoClient: RompetrolLead Agency: GMP+WEBSTYLERContributing Agencies: United Media | Screen Native Public Case Summary:Rompetrol Go was transformed from offering support “on-the-road” and loyalty perks after purchase into supporting people to stay at home during lock down and offering loyalty perks in advance for future better times of traveling.As a brand, Rompetrol succeeded in strengthening the relationship with its customers while they could not come to Rompetrol stations, in generating future sales and further loyalty, while also contributing beyond its industry to a positive impact in the life of its clients. Team: Georgiana Cujba // Project Manager GMP+WEBSTYLER, Ondina Olariu // Client Service Director GMP+WEBSTYLER, Amalia Boldea // Account Director GMP+WEBSTYLER, Bogdan Niţu // GM & Head of Strategy GMP+WEBSTYLER, Rebeca Juverdeanu // Art director GMP+WEBSTYLER, Anca Uscatescu // Graphic designer GMP+WEBSTYLER, Mihai Fetcu // Creative Director GMP+WEBSTYLER, Cosmin Bumbacea // Copywriter GMP+WEBSTYLER, Ioana Proca // Head of Planning GMP+WEBSTYLER, Răzvan Stanga // Development GMP+WEBSTYLER, Sorina Fister Talasman // Marketing executive Rompetrol, Olga Ionescu // Retail brand manager Rompetrol, Teodora Dumitrescu // Marketing executive Rompetrol, Ioana Enache // Loyalty & Digital Manager Rompetrol, Costin Marcu // Digital Marketing Coordinator Rompetrol, Serghei Sevcenco // Head of Marketing Retail Rompetrol Creative Reel Images of Creative Work Digital ads Digital assets visual In-app leading messages Notification for check-in back to winners