Oskar – Thank Yourself Later

Oskar – Thank Yourself Later Information Public Case Summary Team Campaign: Thank Yourself LaterBrand: OSKARClient: PPG RomâniaLead Agency: Next Advertising Public Case Summary:After years of fragmented communication, it was time for Oskar to step up its game and switch from a tactical communication to a long-term vision. But how do you build a memorable campaign for a brand with low awareness by only using the standard, over-exploited benefits of the paint category? “Thank yourself later” campaign talks about the positive consequences of a good choice by using a light-hearted and humorous approach. Oskar managed to reach a 14% TOM, 44% Unaided Awareness and +12% increase in sales, overachieving its original objectives. Team: Andrei Tripşa // Creative Director Next Advertising, Ruxandra Muntean // Media Director Next Advertising, Bogdan Tudosie // Senior Copywriter Next Advertising, Cezar Panait // Group Creative Director Next Advertising, Petra Martin // Art Director Next Advertising, Maximilian Barat // Digital Media Manager Next Advertising, Vasile Petrescu // Art Director Next Advertising, Sorin Popescu // Managing Partner Next Advertising, Alexandru Tunaru // Head of Digital Next Advertising, Ioana Miclea // Account Executive Next Advertising, Adrian Ion // Marketing Director PPG ROMANIA S.A, Monica Novac // Brand Manager PPG ROMANIA S.A, Eugen Terchila // Media Manager , Irina Serbulea // Social Media Copywriter , Alexandra Bajan // Account Manager Creative Reel Images of Creative Work Key Visual In Store Facebook Post Meme back to winners

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