BCR – Rich Life

BCR – Rich Life Information Campaign: Rich LifeBrand: BCRClient: BCRSubmitted by: Cohn and Jansen JWTSecond Agency: AtelieruMedia Agency: MEC Background/Objectives Strategy Results Background/objectives: This is the story of how BCR, the biggest bank in Romania, managed to reinvent itself and attract a new and financially powerful segment. While perceived as solid and trustworthy, BCR’s appeal within the high-income segment was decreasing. Strategy: Through the new brand platform, BCR encouraged the active, modern consumer to see life as fun and full of experiences, rather than busy and overwhelming. Results: In spite of a smaller media budget vs. ’14, the brand became stronger and more appealing for the high-income segment. TV BCR_Rich Life_BTL Presentation BCR_Rich Life_Mortgage Casa Mea BCR_Rich Life_Refinance_DIVERS BCR_Rich_Life_DIVERS Online My rich life endorsers project My rich life app Outdoor Ooh divers 1 Ooh divers 2 Ooh refinance divers Banners Banners back to winners

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