Radio Guerrilla – The Good Prevails (Binili Invinge)

Radio Guerrilla – The Good Prevails (Binili Invinge) Information Campaign: The Good Prevails (Binili Invinge)Client: Radio GuerrillaBrand: Radio GuerrillaSubmitted by: Propaganda Background/Objectives Strategy Results Background/objectives: In 2015, a petition raised 30.735 signatures to reinstate Radio Guerrilla’s powerful voice that promoted a society of values (in a landscape of radio stations showcasing mostly low quality entertainment), which had been silenced by some legal issues in 2013.In 2016, Guerrilla wanted a re-launch campaign that would gain an audience twice the number of signatures. Strategy: Instead of a “bragging” re-launch, celebrate Guerrilla’s rebirth BY CELEBRATING THE PEOPLE THAT MADE IT HAPPEN Results: The results exceeded all our expectations, gaining an audience almost triple the number of signatures. RADIO Manifesto “thank you” radio spot Plain “thank you” radio spot 1 Plain “thank you” radio spot 2 SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media Communication back to winners

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