OLX – Mercador becomes OLX
OLX – Mercador becomes OLX Information Campaign: Mercador becomes OLXClient: Allegro Online ServicesBrand: OLXEntrant Agency:The GeeksMedia Agency: Optimum Media Direction Plan & Buy Background/Objectives Strategy Results Background/objectives: In April 2014, Mercador had to start a rebranding process to become OLX.ro exactly when it managed to achieve the no. 1 spot on all relevant leadership indicators on the classified market.The rebranding was a difficult challenge as it risked jeopardizing everything the brand accomplished so far and threatening its chance to win the classified ads war. Strategy: Keep the already successful strategy in place (showing buyers in executions in order to attract sellers), in spite of the name change, and repeat the new name of OLX, as this will increase the chances that the name is remembered and pronounced correctly. Results: The rebranding campaign proved to be a huge success: after less than a month 91% of Romanian correctly attributed that OLX is the former Mercador. Even more, OLX became no.1 in terms of Top of mind, outranking long known competitors as Tocmai.ro and Okazii.ro. TV Wave 1 – Mercador becomes OLX Wave 2 – The Young Moldavian Guy Wave 2 – The Amateur Photographer Radio Welcome OLX Poem 1 Welcome OLX Poem 2 OOH OOH Victoriei Station Subway back to winners