Edenia – Frozen Freshness

Macromex – Frozen Freshness Information Campaign: Frozen FreshnessClient: MacromexBrand: EdeniaSubmitted by: Publicis România/Publicis OneContributing Agency: Starcom Background/Objectives Strategy Results Background/objectives: The low consumption of frozen food is fueled mainly by the bad perception it has and the paradigms associated with it, such us: FROZEN = “NOT FRESH or “not good quality”. Strategy: Facing strong competition and unfavorable category perception, Edenia has to boost its brand image. The biggest challenge was to redefine the way the frozen food category was perceived. Results: The campaign helped Edenia grow 3 times more then the frozen food category. Outdoor 2017_Effie_Edenia_Frozen freshness_TVC_Fish 2017_Effie_Edenia_Frozen freshness_TVC_Lasagna 2017_Effie_Edenia_Frozen freshness_TVC_Peas PRINT Fish Lasagna Peas POINT OF PURCHASE freezer poster wobbler INTERNET facebook post 1 facebook post 2 back to winners

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