Auchan – Help Romania breathe

Auchan – Help Romania breathe Information Campaign: Help Romania breatheBrand: AuchanClient: Auchan Retail RomâniaSubmitted by: Graffiti BBDOContributing Agency: Graffiti PR Background/Objectives Strategy Results Background/objectives:In 2017 “Mobilizatron by Auchan” aimed to do better than the classic “the brand pays, the NGO does and the people benefit” model: the ambition was to engage the people from the 18 local communities with Auchan stores to participate actively along the brand and the NGOs in the reforestation project. Strategy:Through its CSR platform “Mobilizatron” Auchan mobilized clients from its 18 local communities to get involved alongside the brand and NGOs in a reforesting campaign. By creating and marketing a new product – a toy paper tree (from 100% recycled paper) that covered the cost of an actual tree for planting – Auchan made it possible for everyone to contribute directly to the reforestation. Now these communities have new forests that were planted and paid for by tens of thousands of their own members. This makes the forests “theirs” in a much more meaningful way and the reforestation more sustainable in the long run. Results:50,000 toy paper trees were sold meaning 50,000 people were mobilized to pay with real money for a symbolic token of a real tree*. And in this way participate in a very real way in Auchan’s reforestation initiative.Because Auchan provided another tree for each one paid for by the clients, eventually we planted a total of 100,000 trees*. That means 20 hectares of new forest in Romania*.4,500 volunteers signed up on the website and took part in the planting events*.5,000 toy paper trees were registered online and 5,000 digital planter’s certificates were downloaded from Internet Advertising Digital Sum-up Youtube Video Other Creative Materials POS Materials back to winners

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