Dero Surf – 99 Stains

Dero Surf – 99 Stains Information Campaign: 99 StainsBrand: Dero SurfSubscribed by Unilever South Central Europe Other FortuneWheel Lottery Dero Surf reveals the most surprising prizes. Trade Poster Activation Leaflet Dero99stains Pack Dero99stains Stand Print Culinary Tips in Lumea Femeilor Culinary tips: Cook without worries! Dero Surf removes the most frequent 99 stains.Orange juice, fresh tomato…  The recipe of the week awarded by Dero Surf. Teaser Jurnalul National Dero Surf removes the most frequent 99 stains. Guaranteed!  Exclusively in tomorrow’s edition of Jurnalul National: After stain, comes reward! The list of those 99. Unveil of a nation wide cleaning campaign. Dero 99 stains TV The Cultural Effect Dero99stains activation Press Stubborn Stains A to Z cleaning …  PeTocuri magazine, together with Dero Surf, continues the alphabet of the most stubborn stains with some really tough letters. TV

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