Orange – Dance with Millidge and Doig

Orange – Dance with Millidge and Doig Information Campaign: Dance with Millidge and DoigClient: Orange RomâniaBrand: OrangeSubmitted by: Orange RomâniaAgencies: Wieden + Kennedy & Publicis RomâniaMedia Agency: Initiative Media Background/Objectives Strategy Results Background/objectives: How would Orange go beyond the traditional route of just promoting an offer and really stand out in a way that would encourage the use of mobile data and create love for the brand in the process? Strategy: CREATING OUR OWN CULTURAL MEMEA first for Romanian television advertising. All people had to do was upload a video of themselves using their mobile while dancing along with Millidge and Doig. Results: “Dance with Millidge and Doig” became the Most Viewed Ad on YouTube Romania in 2014. Despite everybody else throwing offers at the volatile Pre-Pay consumers, during the campaign period, Orange Pre Pay customers used more data on average per month, almost double our initial objective. TV Dance with Millidge and Doig_Launch Dance with Millidge and Doig_UGC Diver Dance with Millidge and Doig_UGC Group Print Tutorial Newspaper OOH Citylight Landspace Online Homepage Site Website Gallery back to winners

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