Vodafone Brand Campaign

Vodafone – Vodafone Brand Campaign Information Campaign: Vodafone Brand CampaignClient: Vodafone RomâniaBrand: VodafoneSubmitted by: McCann Worldgroup RomâniaContributing Agency: MEC GLOBAL ROMANIA Background/Objectives Strategy Results Background/objectives: Vodafone has been building on network superiority, promising “the best network”. But it was time to evolve. and talk about the brand philosophy and the whole experience coming out of the network. Strategy: In an era of extremely fast globalization, Vodafone re-defined what Local Relevance means. In the last 3 years, Vodafone has adopted a Purposeful Brand philosophy that resolves social and cultural tensions of the Romanian People. Results: The Campaign had an overall good performance, with excellent engagement and understanding on network/data speed, highly relevant especially for Digitalized audience. TV Vodafone – Brand Campaign – Manifesto Vodafone – Brand Campaign – Traveler INTERNET Vodafone Brand Campaign – Video Content Explorer Vodafon Brand Campaign – Video Content Photographer Vodafone Brand Campaign – Display Banner PRINT Vodafone Brand Campaign – Ceramics Print Vodafone Brand Campaign – Takeover Print Vodafone Brand Campaign – Traveler Print OUTDOOR Vodafone Brand Campaign – Outdoor Travler back to winners

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