Effie 2024 Entry Forms Templates & Entry Kit

Please find below all templates for your cases. Teams should use these documents while crafting the submission to enable easy collaboration with team members and partner companies. Still, the submission will be made online here! All info will be added online, in the dedicated fields – you do not have to upload these templates (except for the Authorization & Verification Form – which you will be generated by the online platform, the one shown here is just for you to see the info required)

please read the full Entry Kit for details for all needed information & materials

entry forms

for all categories (including Shopper Marketing)

for category Sustained Success

authorization & verification Form for all categories (including Sustained Success)

! This is just for you to see the info required, the final Authorization & Verification Form will be generated by the online platform once you fill in all info.

You will download it from the platform, sign it and upload it there

! Signature: The form now requires 1 signature for the entry: The Authorization & Verification form must be signed off by an agency OR client executive in a departmental or account leadership position (e.g. Head of Account Planning, Head of Client Services, Group Account Director, etc.).

Useful tools for the entries

Acclaim Video Tutorial

 Acclaim Video Tutorial about the Effie Online Portal – before joining the competition, see first this video tutorial for how this platform works. The tutorial is made Effie College 2022 – Tutorial Platforma Online (Acclaim), so keep in mind that:

a. small changes appeared from then

b. see it to understand better how to navigate the online platform, for Effie Romania rules & other requirements go back to the Entry Kit.

Multi-Category Submission Settings – Effie Romania Acclaim

See here the steps to use in the Effie Online Portal in order to enter multiple categories. The platform allows you to add one answer dedicated to one category and another answer for another category, while filling in the entry form at the same time for all chosen categories (since some questions will apply to multiple categories, others will be different, so you don’t need to copy-paste where the same answer applies)

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Effie 2024 Awards - What's new?

You may enter a campaign into a maximum of 3 categories, with no more than 1 Product/Service category and no more than 2 Specialty Categories. If you don’t choose a product/service category – you may enter three specialty categories. You will need to submit a separate entry and pay separate entry fees for each category submission for an effort. Each entry should be customized to speak to the specifics of each entered category. Effie Awards Romania has 2 types of categories: Product & Service Categories and Specialty Categories.

Categories: This year’s competition contains some new and updated categories and category titles.

Updated Category Definitions and Names:

  • Gen Z Marketing (New category)
  • Digital Commerce (New title, formerly e-Commerce)
  • Experiential Commerce Marketing (New title, formerly Experiential Shopper Marketing)
  • Media Category Group: Data Driven category (new definition)

Word count:

Effie WW made a few changes in sections 1 and 4 and they added a couple new questions to the form.

The word count has also been updated for a few responses to allow entrants to better tell their story. For example, Section 1: Challenge, Context & Objectives has increased to 400 words; 3 charts/visuals.