EFFIE 2007 jury expects to have more and better entries than the previous editions

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, FMCG and promotions could be the categories with the highest competition, in EFFIE 2007, according to the members of the jury.

They predict that other categories that could have a big number of entries are telecommunications, durables, financial services and the new category „Renaissance”.

„I’m expecting to have more entries, more brilliant campaigns that can become case studies, I’m expecting and I wish the festival generates more controversies (in a positive way as effect on the industry)”, Alexandra Gatej, Chairman Unilever SCE and member of the EFFIE 2007 jury, said.
„I believe the entries/the competition will be higher where the markets have been dynamic and they have generated a lot of production (for example banks, FMCG) and where a lot of local advertising has been produced (for example alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, maybe insurances)”, she added.

The members of the EFFIE 2007 jury predict, also, that this edition of the festival will have better written entries.

„Maybe responsible people got used to EFFIE and in 2006 there was a sort of explosion of the planners, as importance and visibility in the agencies”, Daniel Gavrila, independent consultant and member of the EFFIE 2007 jury, said.
„I’m very curious to see the impact of the new categories, but I think the promotions categories will still have a high competition, first because they are short term activities, with clear measurable and measured objectives. One of the persisting problems of many successful clients is the lack of data to prove their competitiveness”, he showed.

The quick evolution of the advertising market makes some of the jury members to say that, this year, the competition will be tougher in all the categories.

„Every EFFIE edition was marked by the upraisal of the competitiveness level, in comparison with the previous edition. I expect to have more participants this year, that means higher competition”, Narcis Horhoianu, Associate Marketing Director Procter&Gamble Romania and president of EFFIE 2007 Organizing Committee, said.

The EFFIE festival has, starting this year, three new categories: „Pharmaceuticals”, „David vs. Goliath” and „Renaissance”.
„David vs. Goliath”, a new category at a global level, will award tiny existing brands making inroads against big, well-established leaders and for established small brands taking on „sleeping giants”.

Campaigns that succeeded in renewing an older brand, reversing a declining brand or re-staging a brand to reach new audiences and contemporize its relevance in the category or marketplace will be awarded in the „Renaissance” competition.

Another new aspect of the EFFIE Awards 2007 is the delimitation of the „Food products” category in two separate categories: „Food products I” (e.g. meat and dairy products, pet food) and „Food products II” (Snacks, confectionery and deserts).

„I appreciate the introduction of the Renaissance category, absolutely necessary in a wide ranging and dynamic market, as the Romanian one. Even if this year there are not many entries in this category, it will be a block-start for reinventing Madonna in the next years”, Marina Zara, Marketing Director McDonald’s Romania, Moldova and member of EFFIE 2007 jury said.
She expects this edition to be „more coherent”, „smarter” and „nicer”.

EFFIE 2007 entries will be received untill the 9th of March 2007, at the organizing company – Millenium Communications (for any further information please visit www.effie.ro).
The entries will be judged in two rounds, on the 27th and on the 28th of March. The winners will be announced during the Award Gala, that will take place on the 29th of March.

The EFFIE Festival is organized in Romania by the International Advertising Association (IAA) and the Romanian Advertising Agencies Association (RAAA), the 2007 edition being set up with Millenium Communication. The American Marketing Association New York has the licence for organizing this festival in Romania and the contest’s procedure follows step by step the international EFFIE standards.

For any further information, please contact:
Irina Florea
PR Manager
Millenium Communications
Phone – 0730 202 281
E-mail – irina.florea@milleniumcommunications.ro

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