Effie’s 2018 Organizing Committee is inviting all strategic planners, marketing specialists and creatives to take part in two meetings regarding this year’s competition: ”How to win an Effie for Rookies” (March, 7th) and ”Effie Talk – Meet the Elephant” (March, 15th).
The first meeting will take place on the 7th of March starting 10 a.m., at IAA Romania (Calea Victoriei, 126A). ”How to win an Effie for Rookies” speaks to all juniors coming from strategy departments and also to marketing specialists who are in search of a better understanding regarding their submission in the Effie competition. The will find out which are the categories and news of 2018, they will learn how to write a relevant Effie Case not only in order to fit in the category, but also to align to judges’ requirements and the whole international scoring system. The hosts of this first event will be Mihai Trandafir, President of Romanian Effie Awards Committee 2018 & Managing Director UM Romania and Stefan Chiritescu, member of this year’s committee and Head of Strategy at Kubis Interactive. The two of them will present all important aspects regarding the 2018 submission for the competition along with last year’s conclusions – an overview of the 2017 judges’ feedback, following the Effie Insight Guide.
The second meeting will take place on the 15th of March, starting 6:30 p.m. at Institute, the Cafe (Stirbei Voda, 104-106). „Effie Talk – Meet the elephant” addresses all Senior Strategic Planners but also all Brand Managers. The guests of this event are Narcis Horhoianu (Effie Juror & Director Consumers Segments Marketing at Vodafone), Cristina Micu (Effie Juror & Head of Marketing and Customer Service at ING Bank), Dan Zloteanu (Effie judging moderator, Business Consultant & Marketing Researcher MRI Research & Consulting / part of TheNetwork) & Adina Nica (Effie judging moderator & Research & Marketing Consultant Open-I Research). The talk will be lead by Mihai Trandafir, the President of Romanian Effie Awards Committee 2018. This panel will formulate an unitary definition for all special categories by bringing back into attention the issues which judges and moderators were confronted with last year. They will give an answer to those unclear aspects, figuring out ways to proceed in difficult cases and following examples from the direct feedback of the judges (involving each case and each round of the competition). The panel is meant to be interactive and therefore, the Strategic Planners are encouraged to join the conversation in order to outline clear definitions and create an accurate and relevant framing for the special categories.
The Effie Organizing Committee of 2018 organizes these two meetings in order to come closer to the festival’s mission – it hightlights the learning component by making more helpful instruments accessible to agencies and it also wants to help build future generations of creatives and strategists. Also involving the seniors, the festival means to contribute to a better understading for them regarding the judging process and the scoring system for each category in particular.
Both events feature free access, but participation requires a confirmation mail sent to teodora.calin@institute.ro. The confirmation mail must be sent no later than March 6th for the ”How to win an Effie for Rookies” seminar and no later than March 15th, 4 p.m. for the „Effie Talk – Meet the elephant” seminar