Entries now open for the 2018 Romanian Effie Awards Competition

IAA Romania and UAPR announces the 15th edition of the Romanian Effie Awards competition. Agencies can submit their works until May 21st 2018. The Awarding Gala will be held on the 14th of June 2018.

Agencies will benefit from a system of discounts that encourage participation in the competition, as follows:

  • Agencies will not pay the fee for cases that did not have a media budget, submitted in the category Positive Change – Non – Profit; if a work submitted in the Positive Change – Non – Profit category had a media budget, then the participant must pay the entry fee.
  • Agencies that register at least 6 cases in the same deadline have a discount of 10% from the total amount.
  • Agencies that submit an Effie entry after at least a 5 years absence from their last submission in the festival will benefit from a 50 % discount for the first case entered.

As a competition organized by IAA Romania and UAPR, EFFIE Romania will only accept entries from agencies that have paid their full membership fee to IAA Romania or UAPR. Agencies / Companies that have overdue amounts to either IAA or UAPR cannot enter the competition before paying the debts.

ROMANIAN EFFIE AWARDS 2018 Deadline & Calendar:

Early Bird Deadline: 8th of March
On Time Deadline: 12th of April
Last Chance Deadline: 21st of May
Effie Finalists Gala: 7th of June
Effie Awarding Gala: 14th of June 2018

What’s new:

  1. New entries – Special Categories: Data Driven/Programmatic, Branded Content, Branded Utility, Business to Business & Media Idea, former Media Innovation, with a broader definition
  2. Updates definitions: Corporate Reputation, Engaged Communities, Sports Marketing
  3. All electronic materials will be submitted via 1 USB  Stick:  1 folder with entry documents Brief, Checklist, Entrant Info (all word formats), 1 folder with creative materials – organized by folders for each medium (for Sustained Success: to be organized by year + in different folders for each medium). If possible, label the USB Stick case with campaign title and brand.
  4. Gala Template PPT:As started last year, the Effie 2018 Organizing Committee asks the agencies to send a special 2 slides ppt for the Effie events. Find all details in this Entry Kit.


Download the Romanian Effie Awards 2018 Entry Kit Documents.

Click to access the login or register cheese

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