Interview with Narcis Horhoianu – Associate Marketing Director Procter & Gamble Romania, President of the Organizing Committee EFFIE 2007

How do you think the festival is perceived in the industry?

I believe EFFIE is considered as one of the most objective and important contests in the advertising industry. EFFIE measures the impact of the creative effort in generating „business” results, the evaluation process is rigurous and objective and it generates interest and credibility.

What do you think EFFIE needs to be even more credible?

EFFIE is more credible with every edition. There are a few important criteria that help to build credibility: a) the organizing committee’s and the jury’s objectivity, with the participation of many marketing specialists from the industry, b) transparency in communicating with the industry by seminars and press releases to clarify the entry system, the filling in of the entry form and the judging process.

What do you expect from this edition, in comparison with the other ones, from the last years?

Every EFFIE edition has a higher level of competitiveness, in comparison with the previous one. I expect to have more participants this year, so higher competition.

Considering that, last year, the new category in the contest didn’t have nominees, what do you expect from the new categories of this edition?

Each new category is welcoming a need of the advertising market. I believe that we’ll have participants that we’ll consider participating to these new categories important. The Awarding Gala and the final results will show how we managed to reach this objective.

Which categories do you expect to have the highest competition?

As last year, we’ll have many entries in the promo FMCG category.

Do you expect small agencies to win awards this year, too?

EFFIE is open for all the firms in the industry, small or big. EFFIE celebrates the results and the results can come from the big agencies, but also from the small ones.

What’s the importance of an EFFIE award for the client company?

The market’s recognition that a marketing effort has results. The client appreciates the results, over anything else. I believe that EFFIE has a major role, mostly for the agency, because it celebrates the results brought by a communication campaign.

How important is an EFFIE award in an agency’s portfolio when you organize a pitch?

EFFIE is a performance warranty, so it helps to the evaluation part of the agency’s credentials.

Do the EFFIE awards determine you to develop more local campaigns?

I think it’s extremely important to have the right campaign, that generates results, even if it’s developed regionaly or locally. So I’m not looking only for a local campaign. If a local campaign proves to be more efficient, and it is worth the effort, then I can decide to choose a local campaign.

Did you notice improvements of the festival from an edition to another?

I think the competitiveness and the interest towards EFFIE have risen, so I believe every year is better than the previous one.

For any further information, please contact:
Irina Florea
PR Manager
Millenium Communications
Phone – 0730 202 281
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