There are 71 campaigns, submitted by 26 companies, competing for the EFFIE Awards Romania 2007. The categories with the largest number of entries are Promotions and Alcoholic Beverages.
“I think EFFIE is the leading contest on the market as celebrates and honors advertising and communication RESULTS”, Narcis Horhoianu Associate Marketing Director Procter & Gamble and President of the Organizing Committee EFFIE Romania 2007 said.
“What sets EFFIE apart from the other contests is that it brings a high level of objectivity driven by judging both business contribution and the creative execution of the communication campaigns, while putting a higher weight on the business results. I think this is the type of award you really wish for, as it’s about PASSION TO WIN in the market place. This is unique and challenging and obviously was the driving engine for putting together more than 70 applications from across industry, this year. In addition, the increased number of categories this year, better reflecting market needs also helped in stimulating a good level of excitement at the industry level”, Horhoianu said.
The entries will be judged in two rounds, on the 27th and on the 28th of March. The winners will be announced during the Award Gala, that will take place on the 29th of March.
Erich Buxbaum, director International Advertising Association (IAA) Europe and president of the EFFIE 2007 jury, will hold the workshop “Brand Positioning” in Bucharest, during the festival. The workshop is a one and a half day course, that will start on the 28th of March, from 16.00 to 18.00, and will continue on the 29th of March, from 9.00 to 17.00. It will take place in the Howard Johnson Hotel, in Bucharest. The workshop has only 20 places and it has a 240 euro fee. The workshop will be presented for the entire industry during the EFFIE seminar, that will take place on the 27th of March, from 16.00 to 18.00, at the Howard Johnson Hotel.
The access will be free, upon a reservation made at the organizing company of EFFIE 2007, Millenium Communications. The EFFIE 2007 awarding gala will take place on the 29th of March, starting 19.30, at the Bamboo Club, in Bucharest. The after party will follow the gala, at the same club.
The tickets for the gala are available at
For any further information, please contact:
Irina Florea
PR Manager
Millenium Communications
Phone – 0730 202 281
E-mail –
To sign up for Erich Buxbaum’s workshop (28-29 of March), please contact Irina Iliescu, IAA Romania, ph. 021 303 48 63.
To make a reservation for the EFFIE seminar (the 27th of March), please contact Andrei Serbulea, Millenium Communications, 021 410 75 80.