Romanian Effie Effectiveness Index 2015

Effie Romania launches, for the second year in a row, a local Effie Effectiveness Index, a ranking which gathers information about the Romanian winners and finalists in a local index. The scoring system used to compile the ranking is the same globally, and details about it can be found at: Effie Effectiveness Index is compiled at a global level and identifies and ranks the most effective clients, agencies and brands from the marketing and communication industry, bringing together information about the Effie winners and finalists from 40 markets.   Romanian Effie Effectiveness Index 2015 Results The most effective clients in the Romanian Effie Effectiveness Index ranking are Valvis Holding, winner of a Grand Effie, a Gold Effie in the Non-alcoholic beverages category and a Bronze Effie in the Brand Experience category. Telekom and Ursus Breweries come right after Valvis. Telekom won two Silver Effie awards and Ursus Breweries a Bronze Effie, a Silver Effie and a nomination.  No Client Score 1 Valvis Holding 24 2 Telekom 12 3 URSUS Breweries 12 4 Allegro Online Services 10 5 Vodafone România 10 6 Kandia Dulce 8 7 Orange România 8 8 Visa Europe 8   Aqua Carpatica leads the brands top with a Grand Effie for the campaign „Purity Test” and a Gold Effie in the same campaign. The following brands are Telekom, Ciucaş, Vodafone, Orange, ROM and Visa. No Brand Score 1 Aqua Carpatica 24 2 Telekom 12 3 Ciucaș 10 4 Vodafone 10 5 Orange 8 6 ROM 8 7 Visa 8 8 BILLA 6   McCann Worldgroup Bucharest, GMP Advertising and Cohn and Jansen JWT are the most effective agencies. The first one was awarded with a Gold Effie, two Silver and two Bronze, GMP Advertising won three Silver awards and one Bronze and Cohn and Jansen JWT received the Grand Effie, one Gold Effie, one Silver and one Bronze. No Agency Score 1 McCann Worldgroup Bucharest 34 2 GMP Advertising 24 3 Cohn and Jansen JWT 22 4 Publicis România 18 5 Leo Burnett Group 16 6 Geometry Global România 10 7 Graffiti BBDO 10 8 The Geeks 10            

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