The Effie Committee started the preparations for the 2009 edition

The Organizing Committee decided the main moments of the 2009 edition of the festival: call for entries between the 10th of March and the 10th of May 2009, the judging process between the 26th and the 27th of May 2009 and the Awarding Gala on the 28th of May.

„Effie 2009 wants to reconfirm the importance of an efficient communication and its impact into the business. The purpose remains the same, to measure and to award creative campaigns which generate efficiency”, stated Narcis Horhoianu, President of the Effie 2009 Organizing Committee and Associated Marketing Director P&G Romania.

The Organizing Committee was chosen by IAA and UAPR and includes, besides the President Narcis Horhoianu – Associated Marketing Director P&G Romania, the following members: Alexandra Olaru – HR & Communication Director, Unilever SCE, Mihai Ghyka – Member of the IAA Board, Dan Petre – Managing Partner, D&D Research, Afrodita Blasius – Managing Partner, Bridge Communication, Sorin Blaga – Vice President, Marketing&Communication, Rompetrol, Stefan Iordache – CEO, Leo Burnett Group, Paul Markovits – Managing Partner, Image Matters.

The sixth edition will continue its traditions: organizing the seminar «How to win an Effie» and the competition for creating the communication campaign of the festival, where all the members of the advertising industry will be invited to participate.

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