The second stage for participants to submit their cases in the 2009 Romanian Effie Awards is close to its end.
Agencies may submit their entries until 11th of May 2009, as follows:
- 10th of March – 1st of April 2009 – 2000 lei + VAT for the IAA members or 3000 lei + VAT for the non-IAA members
- 2nd – 15th April 2009 – 3000 lei + VAT for the IAA members or 4000 lei + VAT for the non-IAA members
- 16th of April – 11th of May 2009 – 4000 lei + VAT for the IAA members or 5000 lei + VAT for the non-IAA members
The payment will be made at The International Advertising Association (IAA) Romania (contact person: Ana-Maria Triscau – 0731.031.151), and entries will be mailed to the organizing agency: Millenium Communications (61, Stirbei Voda Street, Bucharest 1).
The Organizing Committee of Effie 2009 decided to offer some benefits to the participants. One of them is that the agencies that have never entered any previous edition of the Awards can submit one campaign free of charge in the Effie 2009 competition. Another benefit for the participants is that any „pro bono” campaign, that did not have a media budget, can enter the Non-profit/ Pro-Bono, Public service category without paying a participation fee.