Cif - CIF Cleans Romania–part II


Campaign: CIF Cleans Romania–part II
Brand: Cif
Client: Unilever
Submitted by: McCann World Group România
Second Agency: Momentum
Third Agency: MRM
Media Agency: Mindshare


Background/objectives: CIF continued the Cleaning Romania initiative started in 2014, by finding a more relevant Romanian insight.

• Increase sales value by 5% vs. same period previous year
• Consolidate the no.1 brand position in Small Surface Cleaners

Strategy: CIF has the power to clean Romania – moving from the streets to the apartment buildings hallways that are filled with memories, in order to create new beautiful ones.

Results: Increased sales by 11.9% vs. last year
Grew market share with 1.45%
Penetration increase 3.2pp in Creams segment and 2.2pp increase in sprays segment


TVC CIF Cleans Romania

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