common mistakes

1. Did not allow enough time to prepare.

Several entrants request deadline extensions, or miss the deadline, because they underestimated the amount of time necessary to complete the entry process for this award. Collecting data, selecting creative executions, proofreading, and getting approval from the client all take time. Don’t wait until the last minute to start!

2. Did not follow directions.

Read the rules carefully. Small things like including the agency name or images in the brief will disqualify your entry.

3. Did not pay equal attention to each section of the form.

While Results are weighted more heavily, each section of the entry form is integral in showing the strategy and methodology that produced the results. Entries that skip a section of the brief are disqualified.

4. Muddied thinking.

Argue your case efficiently, and be sure to state the big idea behind the campaign and the campaign objectives clearly and concisely. The jurors get tired and will occasionally give up on a case if they find themselves lost in too much “fluff”. Jurors are looking for data, not overwriting.

5. Results were not linked to objectives.

In order to juror the effectiveness of the campaign, the results must correspond with the stated objectives.

6. Objectives were based on the results.

The jurors are senior-level executives in the communications industry; they can tell when goals were set retroactively.

7. Assumed the jurors were familiar with the brand and its competitive market.

The jurors are among the best professionals in the advertising and marketing industry, but don’t assume they are familiar with your campaign, the brand, or even the brand’s industry. Provide background and context where possible.

8. Typos. Proofread your case before submitting it.

9. Submitted inappropriate creative.

The creative executions entered should relate to the objectives, strategy and results stated in the entry brief. Several entrants erroneously submit creative that is irrelevant to the case.

10. Sources were not referenced.

This is the most common mistake made by entrants. Your argument must be made on fact, not opinion. Be sure to cite the sources of any facts and statistics; failure to source results will result in disqualification.

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