OLX - Reopen on OLX
Campaign: Reopen on OLX
Brand: OLX
Client: OLX Group
Lead Agency: Publicis România
Contributing Agency: MSL The Practice
Public Case Summary:
In march 2019, small undigitalised businesses were hit the hardest. OLX, took this opportunity to prove useful to small businesses across Romania by creating a dedicated service for them right when they needed it. In 2 weeks of the lockdown OLX launched its dedicated website: redeschide.olx.ro. By doing so, it started attracting businesses that weren't previously considering OLX as a marketplace and gained new business in the months following the campaign.
Team: Roxana Niculae // Client Manager Publicis România, Ema Ionescu // Client Lead Publicis România, Miruna Baias // Brand Strategist Publicis România, Titus Dumitrescu // Executive Creative Director Publicis România, Vlad Socianu // Senior Art Director Publicis România, Sebastian Romano // Group Creative Director Publicis România, Alin Badiu // Group Creative Director Publicis România, Cosmin Anghel // Senior Copywriter Publicis România, Roxana Bularca // Client Manager Publicis România, Cristina Sauciuc // Brand Manager OLX Group, Paul Neagoe // Business Manager OLX Group, Andi Voicila // Head of Design OLX Group, Ioana Vrânceanu // Head of Sales OLX Group, Alina Nechifor // Senior Communication Manager MSL The Practice, Oana Bulexa // Managing Director MSL The Practice, Monica Jitariuc // Managing Director MSL The Practice.
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